Bridge Day

| October 19,

The rain held off for most of the day and it wasn’t at all as cold as it could have been. We had a blast and we hope you did, too. Here are some highlights from Bridge Day :

New River Gorge Bridge Day

Rafters finish their trip under the bridge, with parachutes floating above them.

 New River Gorge Bridge Day


A tandem team gets ready to leap while a brave woman in pink takes a Hail Mary dive.

 New River Gorge Bridge Day

And she goes deep!


The crowd presses in for good look at the jumping platform.



New River Gorge Bridge Day


Watchers on the train tracks hold their breathe as a chute opens.


BASE jumping New River Gorge

The New River has high water=a smaller landing zone. This is what the jumpers are aiming for.

BASE jumping New River Gorge

 We love this BASE jumper’s style.

BASE jumping Bridge Day

Two chutes drift down, one after another.

 New River Gorge Bridge

 …And the New River Gorge Bridge returns to big, beautiful normal. Until next year!

All photos by NRGAG.


Tags: , Bridge Day, festivals, , ,

Category: New River Gorge Bridge

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